Feeling a little overwhelmed? Don't worry—I won't leave you without the fix to your mouth-breathing issues. For several years, I've kissed my wife goodnight and then reached to my nightstand for mouth tape to put across my lips.
As I mentioned, many people hear "mouth taping" and have some horror story image pop up immediately. But your body evolved to breathe through the nose except in a few circumstances, like extreme physical exertion, stuffy sinuses, or while talking. Unfortunately, modern developments in sleep, like comfy beds, combined with the common underdevelopment of the airways from a lack of vitamin K2 (and nitric oxide, in fact), have led to a much higher number of people who mouth breathe at night.
Taping your mouth shut is a great way to make sure you nose breathe throughout the night. Bonus: If you wake up every morning without tape on your mouth, it's a good diagnostic tool to recognize frequent mouth breathing.
Many people who start taping notice an improvement in their sleep within just the first few nights. That's because mouth breathing often correlates with interrupted sleep—just enough to kick you out of deep sleep but not usually to the point you remember waking. But once you start mouth taping, these interruptions will probably go waydown, providing you with deep sleep and a fresh start to the morning. I've even seen patients with mild sleep apnea reverse the condition, just by mouth taping!